Lee Jong Suk, Moon Ga Young, Kang You Seok, Ryu Hye Young, and Im Sung Jae Join tvN’s Legal Drama Seocho-dong Set in the heart of Seocho-dong, a district known for its concentration of law firms, the series delves into the lives of associate lawyers who navigate the complexities of...
Calling all K-drama fans with a soft spot for second chances and online gaming! Get ready to swoon over the upcoming rom-com 그놈은 흑염룡 That Guy is a Black Flame Dragon (LT), confirmed by tvN to hit the airwaves in the first half of next year. This delightful series follows...
The first batch of confirmed attendees was just announced by AAA 2023, and it’s definitely lit! Kim Seon Ho, Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Sejeong and Moon Ga Young are expected to attend the 2023 Asia Artist Awards in the Philippines on December 14 at the Philippine Arena. Presented by PULP...
The Interest Of Love is a quintessential romance melodrama with repetitive scenarios of whether the featured couple will or will not be together. Designed in the mold of typical office romances with background differences, social status issues, relationship complications, and a game of timing in one’s destiny; The Interest of...
Caught up in an unrequited romance, Sang-su sets his mind to declaring his love convictions for Su-yeong only to discover that she already is in a relationship with someone else. Bound and determined to win Su-yeong’s heart, Sang-su makes his way to her. But, as he is about to meet...
Sensibly, The Interest of Love opens with a modest narrative decorated by the characters’ raw and deep-seated emotions. Drawing a realistic story focusing on workplace relationships, The Interest of Love episode 1 delineates two distinct employees of different positions with varying views on love. Lyris watches The Interest of Love on Netflix Opening...
Launched earlier, The Interest Of Love held an online press conference along with its director and lead stars. The Interest of Love is a 16-episode series that streams two new episodes every Wednesday-Thursday on JTBC and Netflix. The premiere, which aired Wednesday, showed Ha Sang-soo (Yoo Yeon Seok) and Ahn...
Ahead of its premiere on December 21, The Interest of Love production team revealed the three important points to look forward to in the drama. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. Billed as a melodrama, it follows realistic...
Yoo Yeon Seok, Moon Ga Young, Geum Sae Rok, and Jung Ga Ram are set to convey a special perspective to understand ‘love’ that everyone has experienced at least once in JTBC’s new midweek series, The Interest of Love. To be broadcast for the first time on December 21, The...
Warmly gazing at each other in the new poster released, Yoo Yeon Seok and Moon Ga Young are set to discover romance in the melodrama, The Interest of Love. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. Portrayed as a...