Netflix’s new series, My Name, releases a teaser trailer that piques fans’ interest. My Name depicts a dramatic action that follows the cruel reality of Ji Woo, portrayed by Han So Hee. She enters an organization under a new name to identify the person who murdered his father. In the...
After her sweet character in Nevertheless, Han So Hee challenges a new genre in an upcoming action-thriller drama, My Name. Directed by Kim Jin Min and written by Kim Ba Da, My Name follows the story of Yoon Ji-woo (Han So Hee), who seeks revenge after witnessing her father’s death. Ji-Woo works in an...
Confirmed to broadcast on October 15, Han So Hee returns as a revenge-driven undercover agent in My Name. Along with actors Ahn Bo Hyun, Park Hee Sun, and other veteran actors, Han So Hee sets to lead the eagerly-anticipated Netflix series. Han So Hee & Ahn Bo Hyun Clinch New...
K-Dramas on Netflix this season had been officially rolled in See What’s Next Korea 2021! I won’t be lying but the diverse genre coverage surely piques interest. We also see Korea’s top-tier actors representing imaginative stories. Here are the confirmed K-Dramas on Netflix due to stream this season! Love Alarm...
Netflix unleashed a trove of surprises for this year’s Korean content lineup in See What’s Next: Korea 2021! Officially rolling the roster of Korean original series, films, and entertainment shows, Netflix subscribers can look forward to diverse stories. Ted Sarandos, co-CEO and Chief Content Officer of Netflix, gave a brief...
Never miss out on any series in the roster of 2021 Korean dramas! Bookmark this feature as KDRAMADIARY will constantly update this throughout the year along with the monthly list. Our team follows a slightly different calendar in consideration of some dramas aired in the month of December that crosses...
Proving she’s one of the next big things in South Korean entertainment, Han So Hee notches her first female lead role in Netflix’s My Name! Han So Hee will be working with Ahn Bo Hyun and Park Hee Soon in the main leads. To be exclusively streamed on Netflix, My...