Displaying polar opposite charms, Lee Moo Saeng and Na In Woo are expected to provide new perspectives in JTBC series Cleaning Up. Revolving around the lives and secrets held by cleaner sisters, Cleaning Up strives to display a novel spin on the world of business. Led by some of Korea’s...
Ready to offer a fresh and sweet drama this summer, Jinxed At First poster features Na In Woo and Seohyun’s awaited bubbly chemistry. KBS2 TV’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday fantasy romance drama, Jinxed At First, teases fans with another vibrant teaser poster. Na In Woo and Seohyun also set a colorful atmosphere that...
Decked for June broadcast, Jinxed At First officially begins its promotion run with the introduction of its male lead! Based on a popular webtoon, Jinxed At First, comes alive to tell the magical story of a goddess of luck and a man with an unlucky fate. In the series, Na In...
22 years after, the well-loved film is set for a new interpretation starring the most talented actors of this generation. Yeo Jin Goo, Cho Yi Hyun, Kim Hye Yoon, Na In Woo and Bae In Hyuk are set to start filming for Ditto in May. Ditto depicts the story of...
With totally opposing charms, jTBC affirms its newest male leads will dashingly seize spectators’ attention in Cleaning Up. Cleaning Up chronicles the story of three sisters from a brokerage firm who were embroiled in a stock war after stumbling onto insider trading information. Between livelihood and survival, the three sisters...
The series is confirmed to air on KBS2 in the first half of 2022. Based on a popular webtoon, Jinx’s Lover, comes alive to tell the magical story of a goddess of luck and a man with an unlucky fate. In the series, Na In Woo portrays Gong Su-kwang, a man...
Narrating bittersweet stories, River Where The Moon Rises shows what it means to wield swords to protect loved ones while defying fate. River Where The Moon Rises gives life to the Korean folk tale of how On Dal and Princess Pyeonggang conquers their fateful past and path. Despite controversies, the series...
A popular fantasy webtoon, The Jinx’s Lover, comes alive to tell the magical story of a goddess of luck and a man with an unlucky fate. Han Ji Hye and Koo Seul’s fantasy romance webtoon, The Jinx’s Lover, confirmed a K-drama series adaptation. The webtoon receives love and a high audience rate since...
As At A Distance Spring Is Green closed its story, it left lessons about love, life, and growth that bloomed in everyone’s hearts. The production team and cast of At A Distance Spring Is Green received love from its relatable stories and heartwarming lessons. Truly, the series captivated the hearts of the audience...
tvN’s Mr. Queen is a sure way of getting your healthy dose of laughter and tears – a chaos that we did not expect, but we surely appreciate. Main Cast: Shin Hye Sun | Kim Jung Hyun | Choi Jin Hyuk (cameo) Supporting Cast: Bae Jong Ok | Kim Tae...