Setting a warm and fascinating ambiance, At A Distance Spring Is Green unmasks the contrasting personalities of the featured characters in its premiere week! With a captivating start, At A Distance Spring Is Green shows off its top-grade chemistry and heartwarming stories. Introducing its vibrant cast, Park Ji Hoon, Kang Min...
The aftermath of school violence scandal involving actor Ji Soo snowballed to actor hitting the rock bottom. After an online post went viral declaring the actor as a school violence perpetrator, the actor acknowledged the claim to be true and apologized to his past school misconduct. Following his admittance, the...
Shin Hye Sun and Kim Jung Hyun are up for some mind games in the third episode of Mr. Queen! Ratings continues to rise for Mr. Queen. It even clinched a double-digit rating on its 4th episode at 10.4% with episode 3 scoring 9.02% in nationwide viewership ratings. Following the...