Mounting its big, lively and talented cast, When The Stars Gossip impresses with its safe choice of a low-key opening week by focusing on character introductions. Although following the familiar K-Drama tone, the series gives off a new modern Korean drama flair, thanks to its intriguing storyline seamlessly intertwined with...
The network has just announced its impressive slate of shows for the first half of 2025, featuring a diverse range of genres and a star-studded cast. JTBC Dramas 2025 features a lineup that includes diverse genres, from office dramas to romantic dramas to action thrillers. The upcoming dramas promise to...
Netflix is preparing to launch viewers into a dazzling new era of K-romance with When the Stars Gossip, a groundbreaking series blending heartfelt emotions and interstellar adventures. Slated to premiere in 2025, this ambitious production stars Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin, two of Korea’s most beloved actors, in...
tvN’s upcoming weekend drama is set to blast off into a cosmic adventure! When The Stars Gossip will take viewers on an intergalactic journey filled with humor, heart, and a whole lot of extraterrestrial intrigue. Written by Seo Sook-hyang and directed by Park Shin-woo, this exciting new series is Korea’s...
Disney+ has announced an all-star cast for its upcoming original series, Tempest. The highly anticipated show will feature a captivating blend of seasoned actors and rising stars, promising a thrilling and immersive viewing experience. Set for release on Disney+ in 2025, the Korean thriller Tempest promises a gripping mix of...
Launching November 8 on Netflix, Mr. Plankton offers viewers an emotional blend of romance, comedy, and adventure. The series centers around Hae Jo, a man born from an unfortunate circumstance, and Jae-mi, a woman burdened by misfortunes, who unintentionally accompany each other on what may be Hae Jo’s final journey....
Netflix is gearing up to premiere the romantic comedy series Mr. Plankton on November 8, inviting viewers to embark on a heartwarming journey filled with adventure, laughter, and poignant moments. The series centers on the lives of Hae Jo, a man whose existence stems from a mistake, and Jae-mi, a...
JTBC’s highly anticipated drama, Good Boy, has unveiled a powerhouse cast that promises an action-packed and thrilling ride. Good Boy (directed by Shim Na-yeon, written by Lee Dae-il, and produced by SLL, Studio & New, and Drama House Studio) is a comic action investigative drama about medalists who become police...
The stakes have never been higher in the new trailer for Sweet Home 3! Buckle up for a terrifying battleground where the lines are blurring. The trailer opens with a chilling line from Hyun-su’s monstrous side, leaving fans to question his fate. Will he succumb to the darkness or maintain...
The teaser trailer for Sweet Home Season 3 plunges fans back into a world where survivors teeter between monstrous and human realms, facing their most challenging decisions yet. With their stadium safehouse compromised and new threats on the horizon, the stakes have never been higher. The season’s poster, featuring Hyun-su...