A crucible of ambition where only the elite survives in Chae Hwa Girls’ High School becomes the stage for a gripping mystery thriller in Friendly Rivalry. Four fiercely competitive students, each battling for a place among the nation’s top 1%, find their tightly wound world shattered by the unexpected death...
Friendly Rivalry is set to premiere on February 10th, offering viewers an exhilarating blend of mystery, suspense, and psychological tension. Directed by Kim Tae-hee and written by Kim Tae-hee alongside Min Ye-ji, Friendly Rivalry is a gripping thriller that explores the complex relationships between teenage girls in a competitive academic...
The teaser poster for Friendly Rivalry is out, and is already heating things up! Scheduled to premiere on U+ Mobile TV and U+ TV on February 10th, this mystery thriller revolves around the life of Seul-gi, a transfer student at the elite Chae Hwa Girls’ High School, where the pressure...
LG Uplus’ content studio, STUDIO X+U, is set to debut its first project in 2025. Created by STUDIO X+U and produced in collaboration with Ylab Flex, this high-teen mystery thriller explores the intense and precarious relationships among teenage girls in a survival competition that is more grueling than college entrance...
A high school April Fool’s prank unravels a thread of fate in this TVING series. A Week Before I Die tells the story of a twenty-four-year-old woman who lives aimlessly with no motivation for life. Then she meets her childhood friend and first love who appears as a Grim Reaper,...