All evidence points to an ordinary college student presumed to have raped and murdered a woman in the opening week of One Ordinary Day. With a bleak chance of proving his innocence, he agrees to be counseled by a third-rate lawyer. When his case hits the news grapevine, it garnered...
Continuing its roll-out of enticing teasers, One Ordinary Day reveals new images of its male leads. Scheduled for an 8-episode run, the hardcore crime drama threads on the story of ordinary college student Kim Hyun-soo who, after one drunken night of fun, finds himself the prime suspect in the gruesome...
Cha Seung Won appears scruffy as a third-rate lawyer specializing in defending powerless criminals in One Ordinary Day. Coupang Play’s first series, One Ordinary Day is expected to release in November. Scheduled for an 8-episode run, the hardcore crime drama threads on the story of ordinary college student Kim Hyun-soo...