Korean content continues to dominate the global stage, and Disney+ is at the forefront of bringing the best of Korean storytelling to audiences worldwide. The platform has announced a series of exciting new Korean dramas to look forward to in 2025. These updates revealed during the second day of the...
Disney+’s original series The Light Shop Keeper unveiled two teaser posters and a teaser trailer. Light Shop Keeper is an adaptation of the popular webtoon by Kangfull, who also adapted the series for television. The story follows these six individuals, each grappling with a traumatic event from their past that...
The highly anticipated supernatural mystery series Light Shop Keeper, created by the mind behind Moving, is slated to debut exclusively on Disney+ on December 4. This eight-part series features an impressive ensemble cast, including Ju Ji Hoon (Blood Free, Kingdom), Lee Jung Eun (Parasite), and Park Bo Young (Strong Girl...
The 3rd Blue Dragon Series Awards, held at Paradise City in Incheon on the 19th and hosted by Jeon Hyun-moo and Im Yoon-ah, saw Disney+’s Moving take home the prestigious grand prize. Grand Prize Glory for “Moving” Executive producer Ham Jin accepted the grand prize, sharing his gratitude with the...
Disney+ announced today it would continue to build on the early success of its local original content with an exciting expansion of its 2024 Korean slate. This comes after a bumper 2023 that saw Korean originals Big Bet and Moving take home a steady stream of international awards and Moving...
From the mind behind hit drama, MOVING, the new Disney+ original features an enigmatic story not to be missed. After entertaining audiences across the world in 2023 with his unmissable super-powered drama Moving, lauded screenwriter Kangfull returns later this year with Light Shop – a mysterious drama that explores life,...
Park Bo Young met the character who seemed most similar to her among the roles she played in her rich filmography. Perhaps for that reason, the feedback to Daily Dose of Sunshine was positive. In a media interview, the actress shared her thoughts about her latest work. She expresses her...
Park Bo Young, Yeon Woo Jin, Jang Dong Yoon, and Lee Jung Eun decorate the special charm of Netflix series Daily Dose of Sunshine. Daily Dose of Sunshine is based on the authentic experiences of a psychiatric ward nurse. Portraying Jung Da-eun, a nurse who enters a mental health department is...
Elevating excitement, Netflix releases photos captured in Daily Dose of Sunshine set for November 4 premiere. Netflix is set to bring another webtoon adaptation featuring the ensemble cast of Park Bo Young, Yeon Woo Jin, Jang Dong Yoon, and Lee Jung Eun in Daily Dose of Sunshine. Daily Dose of...
An amusing adventure is set for the latest season of Unexpected Business. Setting aside their red-carpet lifestyles, Cha Tae Hyun and Jo In Sung are whisked far away from home to the quiet seaside city of Monterey, California to run a Korean-American grocery store in Unexpected Business in California. While...