Disney+ has announced an all-star cast for its upcoming original series, Tempest. The highly anticipated show will feature a captivating blend of seasoned actors and rising stars, promising a thrilling and immersive viewing experience. Set for release on Disney+ in 2025, the Korean thriller Tempest promises a gripping mix of...
Director Ryu Seung-wan, who is set to release Veteran 2 in the latter half of the year, has finalized the casting for his next film Humint and is commencing full-scale production. Humint is an espionage action film that centers on North and South Korean secret agents clashing while investigating crimes...
Netflix dropped a couple of snaps from the table read of its upcoming series, You Have Done Well. When Life Gives You Tangerines (WT) is a new work penned by Im Sang Chun known for When The Camellia Blooms and Fight For My Way. In charge of directing is the...
Lessons highlighting family love intertwines with the sad reality of human atrocities and selfishness in the riveting narrative of Emergency Declaration. With its enthralling and fluid storyline; the film imparted strong messages relevant to our times. K-Movie Rating: “Emergency Declaration” Takes Off In Philippine Cinemas Nationwide Emergency Declaration Quick Recap...
A star-studded cast meets an enthralling story in Emergency Declaration – and Filipino K-Movie fans can watch it in cinemas now! Emergency Declaration, which now sits comfortably at the number 5 spot in the Highest Grossing South Korean films of 2022, is about to hit Philippine cinemas come August 31st....
Anyone can switch careers and follow what their heart truly desires. This holds true for a 44-year-old who wishes to become a webtoon artist in K-PLUS Channel’s new 12-episode drama series. I Have Not Done My Best tells the amusing story of 44-year old Nam Geum-pil who voluntarily quits his job...
The 8th Night took supernatural and thriller films to another level. Viewers who love horror movies will find this film fascinating. *Spoiler Alert The 8th Night follows the story of the retired exorcist Park Jin Su (Lee Sung Min). Two thousand years ago, two beings were locked up to prevent...
The 8th Night will be arriving on Netflix on July 2. Ahead of the premiere, the cast met the press before its first showing. Netflix held a media conference for the upcoming South Korean mystery-thriller movie The 8th Night. The film follows the story of the retired exorcist Park Jin Su...
Mystery thriller The 8th Night released chilling teaser photos and film trailer. Netflix announces The 8th Night releases on July 2 that supposedly premiered in 2020. Directed and written by Kim Tae Hyung, a rookie director, the five senses of the film are stimulated in the unveiled teasers. The streaming...