My Name fuses an unpredictable and powerful story in its recently released teaser. Netflix’s new series, My Name, portrays the terrible truth of a vindictive Ji Woo (Han So Hee). She disguises herself as a police officer in order to apprehend the murderer of her father. Additionally, the recently published...
Han So Hee, Ahn Bo Hyun, and Park Hee Soon set a fierce and charismatic atmosphere in the recent poster of My Name. Following the story of Yoon Ji Woo (Han So Hee), My Name chronicles her vengeful story. To find the murderer of his father, she goes undercover as a...
Netflix’s new series, My Name, releases a teaser trailer that piques fans’ interest. My Name depicts a dramatic action that follows the cruel reality of Ji Woo, portrayed by Han So Hee. She enters an organization under a new name to identify the person who murdered his father. In the...
Netflix confirmed the production of its new series A Model Family with an impressive cast lineup. A Model Family is the story of a man on the verge of bankruptcy and divorce who stumbles upon a money-laden car. He crosses encounters with the second-in-command of a drug organization during the incident....
Proving she’s one of the next big things in South Korean entertainment, Han So Hee notches her first female lead role in Netflix’s My Name! Han So Hee will be working with Ahn Bo Hyun and Park Hee Soon in the main leads. To be exclusively streamed on Netflix, My...