Director Yoon Sung-hyun, along with actors Park Jeong Min and Jisoo, recently gathered for a press conference in Seoul to introduce their upcoming series, Newtopia. This exciting series follows Lee Jae-yoon (Park Jeong-min), a conscripted soldier, and his girlfriend Kang Young-joo (Jisoo), as they race to reunite amid a zombie-infested...
Newtopia: A Korean Zombie Apocalypse Series Starring Park Jeong Min and Blackpink’s Jisoo Premieres on Prime Video February 7, 2025 The wait is almost over! Prime Video has officially announced the release of Newtopia, a highly anticipated Korean zombie apocalypse series starring renowned actor Park Jeong-min and global K-pop sensation...
Coupang Play’s upcoming series, Newtopia, is set to be a thrilling and unconventional blend of genres. The series will follow the story of Lee Jae-yoon, a timid soldier played by the critically acclaimed Park Jung Min, and Kang Yeong-ju, a free-spirited woman who was once an engineering department goddess, portrayed...
It was a busy week for powerhouse film Smugglers! After the media conference on July 18, Smugglers held the VIP premiere at COEX Megabox in Samseong-dong, Seoul. Directed by Ryoo Seung-wan, the film boasts a top-tier cast and production team. It is set in the 1970s featuring people who make...
Netflix’s Korean Series Hellbound climbed to the streaming service’s top 10 list in 71 countries immediately upon its release. Hellbound, the epitome of dystopia envisioned by Director Yeon Sang-ho, is a global phenomenon. Hellbound is a Netflix Series on supernatural events caused by otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere...
Amidst the pictured mayhem, Hellbound propelled a transfixing teaser heightening anticipation to its premiere! Hellbound depicts otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere to issue a decree and condemn individuals to hell. These supernatural events cause great havoc and enable the religious group The New Truth to grow in influence....
Netflix unleashed an intense teaser poster for its upcoming series Hellbound! The hype just continues to build up as Netflix series Hellbound slowly unveils itself. Director Yeon Sang-ho’s next-level imagination and penetrating message are packed in the newly-released main poster. Hellbound explores a world swept by a supernatural phenomenon where...
A world enveloped in confusion. Is it a serial murder case or divine judgment? All these will unveil in November when Hellbound makes its global premiere! World’s leading streaming entertainment service Netflix is drawing attention by releasing the main trailer of Hellbound which shows director Yeon Sang-ho’s unique worldview. The...
Powered by star-studded cast and sprinkled with supernatural twist, Netflix is all set for its new original series – Hellbound! Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, has confirmed Yoo Ah-in, Park Jeong-min, Kim Hyun-joo, Won Jin-ah and Yang Ik-june as the leading cast for Hellbound, a new original series...