Following the gripping conclusion of Season 1, Gyeongseong Creature returns for a second season, transporting viewers from the harrowing streets of 1945 Gyeongseong to the bustling metropolis of modern-day Seoul. The series, which originally captivated audiences with its intense portrayal of love and survival amidst the chaos of 1945 Gyeongseong,...
The lead star of Gyeongseong Creature talked about his feelings as a Hallyu star after starring in a work set during the Japanese colonial period. Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous creatures that were born out of human greed. Set in the spring of 1945, in the city...
Stunning character posters hype up the wait for the premiere of Gyeongseong Creature! Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous creatures that were born out of human greed. Set in the spring of 1945, in the city of Gyeongseong, the series is highly...
Netflix has just unveiled the main poster and trailer for Gyeongseong Creature, its latest series that catapults viewers back to the turbulent spring of 1945. Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous creatures that were born out of human greed. Set in the...
An intense story about two people confronting a monster born out of greed is set to happen in Gyeongseong Creature. Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous creatures that were born out of human greed. Set in the spring of 1945, in the...
In the latest teasers of Gyeongseong Creature, Park Seo Jun and Han So Hee completely transform into the youth of 1946. The series also acquaints viewers with the main cast and first look at their characters. Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous...
You read it right, Netflix’s highly anticipated series, Gyeongseong Creature, will be shown in two parts. The series will debut first part with the first seven episodes launching on December 22, 2023, and the last three arriving on January 5, 2024. Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows...
Something light, fun and probably familiar – still, Dream has an encouraging message from its captivating storyline. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag national team players, who...
Ready to kickstart the premiere on April 26, Korean movie Dream unveils more teasers! Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag national team players, who challenge impossible dreams...
Korean movie Dream has released 14 press stills that give a glimpse of the chemistry of the characters full of charms. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag...