Parole Examiner Lee, the latest tvN Monday-Tuesday drama starring Go Soo and Kwon Yuri, promises a fresh narrative filled with thrilling action and an innovative story. Fans are eagerly anticipating how the unique storyline and stellar cast will invigorate tvN’s drama lineup. On November 11, the online production conference for...
A suspenseful battle of wits ensues for Go Soo, Kwon Yuri, and Baek Ji Won, as they attempt to thwart the schemes of Lee Hak Joo is seen in the latest poster of Parole Examiner Lee. This tension plays out in the highly anticipated tvN Monday-Tuesday drama, directed by Yoon...
The legal drama landscape is set to be shaken up with the upcoming premiere of Parole Examiner Lee on tvN. Scheduled for November 18th at 8:50 PM, the show promises a thrilling and thought-provoking exploration of the parole system. At the heart of the drama is Go Soo, a charismatic...