Leaving viewers with an uplifting narrative, Cheer Up also unfolds the struggles and anxieties of university students. Wrapping its premiere week, SBS’s Cheer Up perfectly starts the month with the cast’s unparalleled bright energy and performance. Furthermore, the series hints at a dark secret of Yeonhee University’s cheering squad, Theia. sun_drae watches Cheer...
Healing stories and thrilling narratives sum up the themes to be featured in August 2022 Korean Dramas! Reliable and sought-after actors such as Kim Min Jae, Ji Chang Wook, Lee Seung Gi and Jung Il Woo are also making their drama comebacks. Their respective female leads: Kim Hyang Gi, Choi...
tvN Drama acquaints viewers with the adorably odd character played by Kim Sang Kyung. Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist releases new teasers showing the extraordinary aura of Gye Ji-han, to be portrayed by Kim Sang Kyung. Directed by Park Won-Gook, and in collaboration with renowned writers Park Seul-Ki, Choi Min-Ho, and Lee...