Taking us back to the past, Twenty Five Twenty One has truly made us speechless with its ending and nostalgic elements. Highlighting the burning passion, friendship, and romantic encounters during youth, Twenty Five Twenty One has taken its viewers on a trip back to a notable period while also imparting...
Validating an entrenched prominence, 2021 Korean Dramas continue impressing local and global viewers with spectacular stories and captivating characters. Albeit the challenge of the pandemic situation, K-Dramas proceed with confidence. It definitely paid off considering how its popularity range has surged higher than before. With international streaming platforms actively collaborating...
More than the swoon-worthy moments, we had a great time and learned ample life lessons from memorable 2021 K-Drama Male Leads! From historical drama characters, supernatural heroes and modern-day male leads; viewers were showered with encouraging outlooks and messages. Protecting their loved ones, pursuing careers and endeavors, they cover all...
Probably inspired by the still ongoing pandemic reality, 2021 Korean Dramas heralded a few superbly contrived plots. Delivering unique and original narratives, reinventing reliable staple genres and themes were also highlighted in the roster of 2021 Korean Dramas. In terms of story structure, we saw a few imaginative hero-centric series....
The 2021 K-Drama season is wrapping up, and we have all of you covered on what you should not miss! Over the next few days leading to our year-end roundup of must-watch Korean dramas this season, we will be looking back on the significant feats, evident craze and notable actors...
It has been an eventful run for tvN! Celebrating its 15th anniversary, a roster of drama and entertainment show content has been unveiled! The 15th-anniversary project of tvN officially commences with a teaser video released earlier. Marking its fruitful 15 years on October 9, the channel, known for revolutionary and...
From sports, love, friendship, family, and life in general, Racket Boys has imparted valuable lessons to both the old and the young! Racket Boys radiates a youthful story of hope and passion through its characters from all age groups. Although it is a light-hearted story about a middle school badminton...
Racket Boys encapsulates the burning passion of the youth in achieving great things together from a perceived underdog status. Beyond uplifting badminton as a sport, Racket Boys promotes a life filled with warmth that may be found in the countryside. It highlights the story of growth and sports that tightly...
Coach Yoon surprisingly assigns Na Woo Chan, who has amazing defense skills, to play doubles with Yoon Hae Kang in the penultimate episode of Racket Boys. As the NJSF reaches its finals, the matches between Jeonnam and Seoul become intense. A new duo is set by Coach Yoon, which surprises...
Against all odds, Han Sol takes a leap of faith and wins her match with Nara in the finals of the National Juniors Sports Festival. Even with everyone’s doubts, Han Sol proceeds in competing with Nara who is considered as the second best badminton player in Korea. Se Yoon’s absence...