As a mystery-thriller movie, Recalled reflects on how far humans could go in the name of love. *Spoiler Alert Waking up from an accident with no memories, Kim Soo-jin (Seo Yea Ji) is assisted by a man who claims to be Ji-hoon, her husband (Kim Kang Woo). Her kind husband...
Binge-watch Forecast on iQiyi this July: An avalanche of heart-fluttering and enthralling dramas plus highly-anticipated films and anime titles! Prepare for an onslaught of amazing shows on iQiyi next month! Eagerly-awaited C-Dramas, K-Dramas, animes and movies are gearing up for launch dates! July 2021 C-Dramas on iQiyi First Love Again...
Ingenious plots and top-notch portrayals are the common denominators in the featured Korean films to launch on iQiyi this July! Coming soon on your iQiyi movie couch schedule are three highly-anticipated stories bannered by acclaimed actors of this generation. Pipeline First on the list is Pipeline starring Seo In Guk....