Featuring passionate youthful moments, Chae Soo Bin and Kang Daniel exude an incandescent glow in Rookie Cops still cuts. Rookie Cops follows an enthusiastic police academy life, starring Kang Daniel and Chae So Bin. With sloppy and mistake-prone youth in their 20’s, these police dreamers turn the police academy on...
Kang Daniel and Chae Soo Bin embark on their university lives from a rough encounter to a solid friendship in Rookie Cops. Rookie Cops depicts an energetic police campus life, featuring Kang Daniel and Chae Soo Bin. With youth in their 20’s who are clumsy and prone to mistakes, these...
Exuding vibrant and cheerful energy, Rookie Cops unveils stills of the police academy’s four dormitory roommates. Helmed by Kim Byung Soo and authored by Lee Ha Na, Disney+ original series, Rookie Cops, follows the story of a brilliant, fearless, but energetic police college campus life. Illustrating the clumsy and full...
Rookie Cops releases a trailer along with a poster featuring a beaming young cast! Scheduled to be released in the first half of 2022, Rookie Cops, a Disney+ original series, features an energetic police college campus life starring Kang Daniel and Chae Soo Bin. The original series is written by...