A dysfunctional family takes on villains in Coupang Play’s newest series! “Today feels more like a family than yesterday.” This phrase perfectly encapsulates the essence of Family Matters, a highly anticipated Coupang Play series that explores the concept of family through an unconventional lens. The show stars Bae Doona, Ryu...
The newly released trailer for Family Plan, a Coupang Play Original series, has already captivated viewers, sparking high expectations. Family Plan centers on a mother with an extraordinary power to edit memories, who teams up with her family to take down villains uniquely unpredictable. This series promises a compelling mix...
The Coupang Play series Family Planning unveils captured moments at a recent table-read. Family Planning is a story about people with special abilities who disguise themselves as family members to survive and use unique methods to overcome the vicious criminals who threaten them. At the script reading site, the creators...
Bae Doona, Ryu Seung Bum, Baek Yun Sik, Lomon, and Lee Soo Hyun are confirmed lead cast of Coupang Play’s new series. Family Planning is a story about people with special abilities who disguise themselves as family members in order to survive and use unique methods to overcome the vicious...
Korean series fans are set to meet interesting characters when Disney+ original series, Moving premieres on August 9! In Moving, some of the world’s most ordinary individuals will find themselves running for their lives after government agencies discover their hidden superpowers. Set in modern-day Korea, Moving also tells the story of...
Oozing with charisma the lead stars of Disney+ original series, Moving, are featured in the main posters. This highly anticipated series features an all-star Korean cast and debuts with a seven-episode premiere on August 9 on Disney+! In Moving, some of the world’s most ordinary individuals will find themselves running...