After his recent appearance at Incheon International Airport, Kim Seon Ho finished filming Sad Tropics in Thailand. Fans enthusiastically express their love and support for Kim Seon Ho during his arrival and immediate departure from the airport. Kim Seon Ho had his greatest days since his debut last year, following the success of...
With the announcement of the confirmed ensemble cast, Sad Tropics gears up to begin filming on December 10! Led by Director and Screenwriter Park Hoon Jung, Sad Tropics follows a young boy who dreams of becoming a boxer but finds himself suddenly the target of suspicious people and being pursued. Furthermore,...
After clearing controversies, Kim Seon Ho is back on track in acting and officially debuts on the big screen for Sad Tropics. Following Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Kim Seon Ho planned to start shooting in November for Sad Tropics. However, a dispute about his ex-girlfriend spread on social media, making Kim Seon Ho’s...