Expertly construed friendship narratives abound in Thirty Nine. It was effortlessly portrayed to perfection by the featured characters. If K-Dramas about friendship and healing make you happy, you’re on the right spot! Fresh from K-Drama vault, here are similar Korean dramas you can indulge in similar to the story of...
Teeming with love stories in varying genres, 2011 Korean Dramas are gifts specifically designed to hopeless romantics. An array of love stories are featured in 2011 Korean dramas that can pique the interest of even those who are not really drawn to saccharine stories. Notably, a parade of Hallyu stars...
Schedule a weekend binge for these adorable and heart-fluttering Korean romance dramas. K-drama fandom can all agree that a string of Korean romance dramas usually triggers the K-Drama addiction. The unique and imaginative plots deviate from the basic triumvirate plot of cops-lawyer-doctor TV shows. On that note, it is one...