Following the teaser poster and announcement of the first broadcast, the new tvN historical series presents its lead pairing. Captivating the King chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who is high-ranking but despondent, and Kang Hee-soo who dreamed of revenge but fell in love with him. Director Jo...
As thrilling as the game of baduk, the lead pair of Captivating the King are seen contemplative while moving their stones. Captivating the King chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who is high-ranking but despondent, and Kang Hee-soo who dreamed of revenge but fell in love with him....
Joining them in the lead cast are Lee Shin Young and Park Ye Young. Sejak, The Fascinated (작, 매혹된 자들), is scheduled to be broadcast in January 2024. The series chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who holds a high position but has a lowly heart, and Kang...