MBC’s new series shared the first photos of its lead pairing! Seo Kang Joon looks effortlessly stylish in a school uniform while Jin Ki Joo transforms into a passionate temporary teacher. Undercover High School follows the thrilling journey of a National Intelligence Service agent who goes undercover as a high...
Undercover High School Unveils Exciting Script Reading Session! Touted as the most anticipated series of the first half of the year, Undercover High School has given fans a glimpse of its dynamic cast through photos from the script reading session, where the actors’ synergy shone brightly. Slated to premiere in...
MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama Undercover High School, set to premiere on February 21st at 9:50 PM, has unveiled its first poster, signaling the beginning of Seo Kang Joon’s thrilling life reboot as an undercover agent. Released on the 16th, the poster showcases Seo Kang Joon in striking comic book-style visuals...
Seo Kang Jun returns as an NIS agent and a high schooler in his upcoming drama. The actor is set to make his post-military comeback in the new MBC drama Undercover High School (WT), scheduled for the first half of 2025. This marks his return to MBC after a decade,...
At the Disney Plus APAC showcase, Seo Kang Joon shared his thoughts about participating in the new series, Grid. Disney Plus will be launching in Korea on November 12 this year and has lined up exciting content for the viewers. Among the roster of Korean content is Grid which is...
If there is one cute necessity surplus that has not been neglected in this world, that would be having talented Korean actors. For the thriving K-Drama fan base, followers are blessed with a plethora of Korean drama actors gifting sweet and superb television series. Keeping career longevity for Korean actors...
The massive cast alone is enough for viewers to be interested in this upcoming film. Announcing the 15-cast member today, 해피뉴이어 Happy New Year is a work to be helmed by director Kwak Jae Young. His notable films include fan favorites, My Sassy Girl, Windstruck, and The Classic. Depicting the...
True love realizations spin the web of emotional and realistic lessons depicted in jTBC’s The Third Charm. Tracing the romantic journey of Joon Young and Young Jae in The Third Charm provided a few retrospective love messages that would leave the viewers stop for a while to savor the felicity...