SBS enthralls viewers with the spellbinding visuals of Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Sejeong, Kim Min Kyu and Seol In Ah in Business Proposal. Business Proposal follows the story of an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO while pretending as her affluent best friend. In...
Exciting the awaiting viewers for its premiere in February, Ahn Hyo Seop and Kim Sejeong lead the table-read of the new SBS drama. Based on a webtoon, Business Proposal follows the story of an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO while pretending to be her...
A Business Proposal has confirmed its main cast — starring Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Sejeong, Seol In Ah and Kim Min Kyu! Based on a webtoon, A Business Proposal follows the story of an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO while pretending to be her rich...