Imagine this: a hardworking woman falls for a seemingly ordinary colleague, only to discover he’s secretly the heir to a powerful conglomerate. This unexpected twist sets the stage for a whirlwind romance filled with familiar K-drama tropes. In Cinderella at 2AM, Shin Hyun Been and Moon Sang Min bring these...
Shin Hyun Been, the versatile actress known for her powerful performances, has taken on a new challenge in Cinderella at 2 AM. In this romantic comedy, she portrays Ha Yoon-seo, a capable and independent woman who finds herself navigating the complexities of love and relationships. The role marked a departure...
Cinderella at 2 AM is a refreshing take on the classic Cinderella story. This romantic comedy-drama follows the lives of Ha Yoon-seo and Seo Joo-won, two individuals with vastly different perspectives on love and relationships. Ha Yoon-seo, played by Shin Hyun Bin, is a realist who believes that Cinderella is...
Coupang Play’s series Cinderella at 2 AM has unveiled its first poster and teaser trailer. Directed by Seo Min-jung and Bae Hee-young, with a screenplay by Oh Eun-ji and created by Park Joon-hwa, Cinderella at 2 AM is an office romantic comedy provided by Coupang Play and produced by Imagineers...
A fresh take on the Cinderella story is about to sweep you off your feet! Cinderella at 2 AM, starring the talented Shin Hyun Bin and Moon Sang Min, premieres on Coupang Play this August 24th. This office romance ditches the glass slippers and pumpkin carriages for a modern twist...
Following the success of the thriller Hellbound, Netflix is reuniting with director Yeon Sang-ho and writer Choi Gyu-seok to adapt another gripping comic, Revelations. Revelations centers on a pastor and a detective, each driven by their convictions. The pastor feels divinely ordained to punish the culprit behind a missing person...
Coupang Play raises expectations by announcing the release of its new series. 새벽 2시의 신데렐라 Cinderella at 2 AM (LT) is a realistic story about a woman who decides to break up with her younger chaebol boyfriend. It is a cliche-busting romantic comedy about Yoon-seo and Joo-won, a romanticist who...
Eagerly-awaited melodrama Tell Me That You Love launches tonight on Disney+ tonight! In Tell Me That You Love Me audiences will experience a love story unlike any other as viewers begin to see the world through someone else’s eyes. When struggling actor Jung Mo-eun gets fired after just one day...
Jung Woo Sung and Shin Hyun Been expressively capture melodrama vibe in latest teaser of Tell Me That You Love Me. In Tell Me That You Love Me audiences will experience a love story unlike any other as viewers begin to see the world through someone else’s eyes. When struggling...
A soul-stirring story about a struggling actress who falls in love with a talented deaf artist, this series stars Jung Woo Sung and Shin Hyun Been. When fate conspires to bring two people together from completely different worlds, a love story that transcends words will be written in Tell Me...