JTBC’s upcoming drama promises a poignant and evocative journey through the vibrant tapestry of 1980s South Korea. This coming-of-age melodrama delves into the intertwined lives of three individuals: Go Yeong-rye (Kim Da Mi), Seo Jong-hee (Shin Ye Eun), and Han Jae-pil (Heo Nam Joon), whose paths converge amidst the bustling...
Korean content continues to dominate the global stage, and Disney+ is at the forefront of bringing the best of Korean storytelling to audiences worldwide. The platform has announced a series of exciting new Korean dramas to look forward to in 2025. These updates revealed during the second day of the...
Renewing our faith that as long as there is a will, there is a way, the drama concludes its tale with one last performance where our heroine finally achieves her dream and takes the spotlight. It’s been a whirlwind of events for everyone, and our elite trainee gets her own...
For a singer, losing their voice and being unable to perform can feel like a life-altering blow. So, one can only imagine how devastated our leading lady feels, having lost everything overnight. But with her undying passion and the support from those who genuinely care about her, our heroine resolves...
The second half of the drama begins with an intense week, bringing a heartbreaking tragedy for our heroine, who encounters the same lamentable fate as her mother. Since the beginning of her journey, Jeongnyeon’s driving force has always been her singing talent. But how is she supposed to carry on...
This week we dive into the theme of staying true to oneself as our heroine finds herself in a tough spot where she is forced to do as told after realizing the harsh reality of the world she threw herself into. Another one facing the same dilemma is our elite...
It is an eventful week for our country girl, who faces both triumphs and setbacks in quick succession. She then encounters a larger world that appears glamorous on the surface, but may hide a darker reality beneath. The path to achieving one’s dreams is never easy, but it surely helps...
In a story about pursuing dreams in post-war Korea, an ordinary village girl comes face to face with a bigger world and dreams of making it big as a theatre performer. But the path ahead of her isn’t as smooth as she thinks. And between a picky and strict leader...
Shin Ye Eun recently sparked excitement through an interview, raising expectations for her upcoming performance and brilliant on-screen rivalry with Kim Tae Ri in the highly anticipated drama Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born. tvN’s new weekend drama Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, which will premiere on October 12, explores the...
Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, a new drama set in the 1950s, has released a vibrant poster. The drama follows the compelling story of Yoon Jeongnyeon, portrayed by Kim Tae Ri, a “natural vocal genius” navigating the competitive landscape of the national opera scene in the 1950s, shortly after the...