A bigger stage is set for the classic Japanese show, Run For The Money! Slated for November release, Run For The Money is a reality competition show where celebrity participants can win a cash prize based on the time spent running desperately trying to outmaneuver black-clad Hunters in pursuit. For...
All set to dazzle on November 4, the new Netflix series entices with key art introducing its lead pair! Depicting the story of young people in their 30’s thriving vibrantly in the colorful fashion world, the fierce survival in the cutthroat industry will be highlighted. Additionally, glimpses of their resplendent...
SHINee’s Minho is drawing attention with released photos highlighting his varied charms. The singer-actor immersed to wow-inducing images in contradicting mesmerizing looks. In the accompanying interview, he mentioned how he wants to proceed with his career. “I want to meet more diverse characters in the future.” Previously, Choi made a...