Expect more Korean films on Netflix in the future! Since the release of Director Bong Joon-ho’s Netflix Film Okja in 2017, the relationship between Korea’s creative ecosystem and Netflix has been growing, and it is expected to grow further. In April, Time to Hunt, premiered worldwide only on Netflix and...
Buckle up as Space Sweepers readies to mark a milestone with its futuristic concept fueled by a powerhouse cast on Netflix! Vividly depicting in detail the crew of a cosmic waste management spacecraft who discover a humanlike robot, named Dorothy; Space Sweepers revolves to an innovative concept, that viewers would...
Eagerly-awaited Space Sweepers readies to mark a milestone with its futuristic concept fueled by a powerhouse cast! The cast and production team of Space Sweepers expound on what to expect in the science fiction film. Director Cho Seung Hee together with its main cast attended the online movie presentation on...
Brandishing a riveting story, tvN announces a must-watch series in 2021 with Vincenzo. Headlined by Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Bin and Ok Taecyeon; the series paints the story of fierce dark heroes. Their fiery actions fight variety of villains that can never be punished by existing law. Aside from...
Star-studded and eagerly-awaited dramas Arthdal Chronicles 2 and Here are yet to proceed with its production plans. This is quite a disheartening news for K-Drama fans, but owing to the new normal and given the overseas location foreseen for both series, it is inevitable. tvN’s Arthdal Chronicles which already confirmed...
Korean romantic films are sweet and short video treats if TV series feels exhausting at some point This list, I originally posted in May 2009. Thereafter, I constantly update it as soon as I get to watch a new romantic film. However, the romance genre saw less numbers in the...