Buckle up as Space Sweepers readies to mark a milestone with its futuristic concept fueled by a powerhouse cast on Netflix! Vividly depicting in detail the crew of a cosmic waste management spacecraft who discover a humanlike robot, named Dorothy; Space Sweepers revolves to an innovative concept, that viewers would...
A few Korean films set to launch in September have changed its premiere date. The imminent decision has been caused by the influx of cases caused by the pandemic situation recently. Among the Korean films confirmed to delay its screening date are The Swordsman, Space Sweepers, Collateral, and Stone Skipping....
Eagerly-awaited Space Sweepers readies to mark a milestone with its futuristic concept fueled by a powerhouse cast! The cast and production team of Space Sweepers expound on what to expect in the science fiction film. Director Cho Seung Hee together with its main cast attended the online movie presentation on...