Netflix’s highly anticipated second season of Squid Game has released thrilling teasers, offering a glimpse into the intense and thrilling world of the deadly survival game. Fans can look forward to the return of Lee Jung Jae as Gi-hun, who re-enters the deadly games seeking revenge, setting up a tense...
The global phenomenon that gripped audiences with its high-stakes survival games is set to make a comeback! Netflix has announced that Season 2 of Squid Game is set to premiere on December 26, 2024, with the final season slated for 2025. This news was shared with fans worldwide through a...
Netflix spills enthralling teasers for the highly anticipated return of Squid Game 2. Unveiling tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come, the “Next On Netflix” event today further fans the excitement over a show that remains Netflix’s most popular series more than two years after its release. A heart-pounding finale clip...
Calling all valiant reality game enthusiasts, a chance of participating in Squid Game has just been announced! Netflix is bringing the global phenomenon Squid Game to life with the biggest reality competition series ever, Squid Game: The Challenge. With both the largest cast and lump sum cash prize in reality...
Squid Game S2 has been green-lighted by Netflix! Most likely picking up from the aftermath of the first season, Squid Game S2 aims to explore Gi-hun’s journey to uncover the answers to his questions. Squid Game is a 9-episode series starring Lee Jung-Jae (New World, Assassination) and Park Hae-Soo (Time...
Finally held with Korean entertainment artists and creators convened at a venue, the 58th Baeksang Arts Awards rolled out the big winners in film and television. The 58th Baeksang Arts Awards was held with over 1,200 spectators. Notably, the nominees enjoyed the festival this time sitting side by side. Shin...
Grateful for the love he received after Squid Game in 2021, actor Park Hae Soo shares his future plans. Taking on the role of Han Ji Hoon in the movie Yaksha: Ruthless Operations, Park Hae Soo portrays the role of a prosecutor who probes corruption in large corporations and gets dispatched...
Lee Jung Jae bags another trophy at the recently held edition of the Critics’ Choice Awards! His portrayal in the mega-hit Netflix series Squid Game earned the nods of the award-giving body. The 27th Critics’ Choice Awards honors the finest achievements of filmmaking and television programming in 2021. Making history...
Scoring three impressive feats, Squid Game added new achievements after notching awards at the 28th SAG Awards. Out of the four nominations, Squid Game bags three as both Lee Jung Jae and Jung Ho Yeon secured Outstanding Male and Female actor awards in a drama series. His reaction says it...
Continuously proving its global prominence Netflix series Squid Game makes another impressive feat. The hit series secures four nominations in four categories at the 28th Screen Actor Guild Awards. Lee Jung Jae and Jung Ho Yeon are both nominated for Best Actor and Best Actress respectively. Additionally, the series is...