Fantasy-action series Twelve has electrified fans with a spectacular lineup, bringing together renowned talent to embark on a monumental battle rooted in the Eastern zodiac’s lore. Twelve delves into a vast universe where 12 angels, each embodying a zodiac sign, disguise themselves among humans, quietly safeguarding the world from sinister...
Buckle up, thrill-seekers! This summer, Disney+ serves up a killer Korean action flick – NO WAY OUT: The Roulette! Justice or jackpot? That’s the question facing ordinary citizens when Korea’s most hated criminal, Kim Gukho, walks free after a 13-year stint behind bars. Outraged by his release, a mysterious figure...
The upcoming mystery thriller drama No Way Out: The Roulette, features a star-studded cast including Cho Jin Woong, Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Mu Yeol, Yeom Jung Ah, Sung Yu Bin, Heo Gwang Han, Lee Kwang Soo, and Kim Sung Chul, has confirmed its release date for July 31st. The drama...