Kim So Yeon fascinates with her riveting character in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938! Tale of the Nine Tailed which received great love by showing the charm of K-Fantasy unravels its second story after three years. Taking its signature flavor, Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938 chronicles the story of Lee...
Dropping new teaser posters, Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 is primed to engross viewers with back stories of the lead characters. Tale of the Nine Tailed which received great love by showing the charm of K-Fantasy unravels its second story after three years. Taking its signature flavor, Tale of the...
Lee Dong Wook, Kim So Yeon, Kim Bum and Ryu Kyung Soo intensely confront each other in Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938! Taking its signature flavor, Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938 chronicles the story of Lee Yeon, a nine-tailed fox, who made an emergency landing in an era of chaos....