The male lead of Missing Crown Prince shared viewing points ahead of the first broadcast on April 13. Missing Crown Prince is a creative collaboration between director Kim Jin-man, who worked on classic Korean romantic comedies The Greatest Love and Kill Me, Heal Me, and writers Kim Ji-soo and Park...
MBN’s new weekend mini-series Missing Crown Prince, scheduled to be aired for the first time on March 9, released the main poster featuring Suho, Hong Ye Ji, Myung Se Bin, Kim Joo Hun, and Kim Min Kyu. Missing Crown Prince is a creative collaboration between director Kim Jin-man, who worked...
Sharing captured moments at a recent table-read, MBN’s new weekend series gears up for its March premiere. MBN’s new weekend mini-series The Crown Prince Has Disappeared Disappeared (LT), is scheduled to be aired for the first time on March 9. It is a Joseon-set romantic comedy that features the turbulence,...
MBN’s new drama is a Korean-style romantic comedy about a seemingly ordinary man bossed around by a woman unaware that he is the Crown Prince. Suho takes on the role of the main character, Yi Geon, and attempts an acting transformation. Drawing attention, The Crown Prince Has Disappeared is a...