In JTBC’s tradition of a gritty revenge story featuring a dysfunctional family, The Empire utilizes the legal world for which members of an elite family move. Hints of infidelity and internal family conflict spice up the opening chapters of this new series. However, a lot more variance in the genre-specific...
Before its launch on September 24, the lead stars and director of The Empire held an online media presentation. Attended by Kim Sun Ah, Ahn Jae Wook and director Yoo Hyun-ki; they share drama insights and preparations. The Empire deals with the scandalous life of an aristocratic family. They hide...
Delight in engrossing romance and compelling thrillers slated on Viu this month! In case you missed it, K-drama darlings Lee Se Young and Lee Seung Gi star in the highly anticipated Viu Original The Law Cafe, a romantic comedy about an eccentric former prosecutor who rents out a unit in...
Streaming on Viu from 24 Sept, with new episodes every Sat and Sun, same day as Korea, The Empire aims to gratify your weekend binge-watch schedule. Starring Kim Sun Ah, and Ahn Jae Wook; The Empire depicts the vulgar scandals of the nation’s top aristocrats in the legal field. Rounding...
JTBC’s new drama is set to feature an elite family with a quenchless desire for wealth and entitlement. Tapped as the main cast of The Empire are accomplished actors Kim Sun Ah, Ahn Jae Wook, Lee Mi Sook, Song Young Chang, Goo Shin and Oh Hyun Kyung. To be helmed...