Headlined by Kim Young Dae, Park Ju Hyun, and Kim Woo Seok, The Forbidden Marriage is slated for its premiere tonight. Based on a novel of the same, The Forbidden Marriage is set in a historical era wherein marriage is banned by Joseon King Lee Heon (Kim Young Dae) when he...
Discover more about the enchanting cast and their experience while filming The Forbidden Marriage. Promising to add another delightful sageuk, The Forbidden Marriage explores the marriage ban ordered by King Yi Heon when he lost the crown princess seven years ago. Based on a novel of the same name, the...
Prepare for warm and fuzzy brotherhood chemistry between Kim Young Dae and Kim Woo Seok in The Forbidden Marriage. Promising to add another delightful sageuk, The Forbidden Marriage explores the marriage ban ordered by King Yi Heon when he lost the crown princess seven years ago. Based on a novel...