In a thrilling story of justice from beyond, a demon descends to the human world to punish the unrepentant, taking on the role of a charismatic Judge From Hell. As she becomes increasingly entangled with humans, her charm never wavers. With masterful storytelling, a stellar cast, and an exceptionally talented...
The real battle begins for Park Shin Hye and Kim Jae Young in the upcoming drama The Judge from Hell! The Judge from Hell is an action-packed fantasy drama that explores the duality of good and evil. It follows the story of Kang Bit-na, a judge possessed by a demon,...
New additions to the already addicting summer K-Drama slate will make fans even more busy this month in the featured stories of September 2024 Korean Dramas! Park Shin Hye takes the highly successful SBS Friday-Saturday baton for her small-screen comeback. A couple of contrasting love stories are set to join...
Kim Jae Young is set to heat up screens as a diligent and reliable detective in the upcoming SBS Friday-Saturday drama The Judge from Hell. Premiering on September 21, The Judge from Hell is an action-packed fantasy where the devil, Kang Bit-na (played by Park Shin Hye), inhabits the body...
Prepare to be captivated by The Judge From Hell, a thrilling courtroom drama coming to Disney+ in September. Armed with a supernatural edge, The Judge From Hell debuts on Disney+ this September 21. This 14-episode series follows Bitna, a judge possessed by a demon sent to Earth on a sinister...
Park Shin Hye is set to undergo a striking transformation into a demon in the upcoming SBS Friday-Saturday drama The Judge from Hell. Premiering on September 21, the series is an action-packed fantasy where the demon Kang Bit-na takes over the body of a judge. She encounters the passionate and...
SBS announces a new addition to their growing list of well-loved fantasy-romance series! Scheduled to air in 2024, SBS’s new drama 지옥에서 온 판사 The Judge from Hell follows Kang Bit-na, a ‘devil from hell’ who enters the body of a jurist. In a reality worse than hell, she meets...