Set to enchant with its magical story, The Sound of Magic continuously garners interest with its rolled teasers. To unfold a magical experience filled with fantasy, music, and drama, the story features Yoon Ah-yi – a girl who has lost her dreams in the face of reality – and Na...
Netflix’s highly-anticipated fantasy-music drama The Sound of Magic is all set to vaunt a mesmerizing story! To unfold a magical experience filled with fantasy, music, and drama, the story features Yoon Ah-yi – a girl who has lost her dreams in the face of reality – and Na Il-deung –...
Netflix has confirmed the worldwide release of The Sound of Magic on May 6th! All decked to unfold a magical experience filled with fantasy, music, and drama, the story features Yoon Ah-yi – a girl who has lost her dreams in the face of reality – and Na Il-deung –...