A runaway slave gets a golden chance to live as a noblewoman and enjoy the luxury that comes with it. But with choices come responsibilities and our heroine will have to keep her wits about her if she doesn’t want to get caught and lose everything she gained. Infatuated with...
Lim Ji Yeon is set to take on a groundbreaking role in the historical drama The Tale of Lady Ok, marking yet another dramatic transformation in her acting career. This time, she shifts from playing a slave to embodying a noblewoman, Ok Tae-young, in a story filled with intrigue, deception,...
The Tale of Lady Ok will premiere on K-PLUS starting November 30, Saturday at 11 pm. New episodes will air weekly every Saturday and Sunday at 11 pm (GMT+8) right after Korea’s airing. The Tale of Lady Ok follows the intertwined lives of four enigmatic characters: Lim Ji Yeon, Choo...
JTBC’s upcoming weekend drama, The Tale of Lady Ok is set to captivate audiences with a riveting story of love, loss, and survival. The series, premiering on November 30th, follows the intertwined lives of four enigmatic characters: Lim Ji Yeon, Choo Young Woo, Kim Jae Won, and Yeonwoo. The storyline...
Kim Jae won and Yeonwoo appear as charming lovers in the Joseon era in JTBC’s new weekend drama The Tale of Lady Ok. Set to premiere on November 30, the drama recently released its first stills, featuring Kim Jae Won as Seong Do-gyeom and Yeonwoo as Cha Mi-ryeong. The Tale...
In The Tale of Lady Ok, Choo Young Woo takes on the role of a charming and enigmatic electrician who enchants the eight provinces of Joseon. The new JTBC weekend drama set to premiere on November 30, revolves around the intense survival schemes of Ok Tae-young (Lim Ji Yeon), a...
It’s a festive spectacle of stories coming up this month! November 2024 Korean Dramas promise an exciting lineup of stories, packed with festive storytelling and unforgettable performances. Fans can expect a rich variety of genres, from heartwarming romances and suspenseful thrillers to intense historical tales and modern-day melodramas. This season...
Lim Ji Yeon is set to showcase a completely new side of herself as a runaway slave in the upcoming JTBC drama. On October 23rd, the production team released the first stills of Lim in her role as Gu Deok, a slave who later assumes the identity of the fake...