Netflix’s first renewed Chinese-language series, The Victims’ Game, unveils a chilling new season with its latest trailer. Premiering on June 21, the new episodes depict a series of gruesome serial crimes where each victim has an organ violently removed. The season intensifies as the murderer targets a group of rebellious...
Focus is on diversifying Chinese-language content to offer more entertainment options. Netflix aims to work closely with top and emerging creators and talents in Taiwan, and invest in must-watch and quality Chinese-language content, including genres that are less represented on screen, to tell stories that are impactful, relatable and authentic...
From modern fantasy to steamy romance and gritty crime thrillers, Netflix will be releasing five original Chinese-language shows globally. Headlining the announcement is the ambitious Agent From Above, a fantasy series rooted in traditional Taiwanese beliefs. Produced with renowned production studios mm2 Entertainment and Good Films Production, the series boasts...