“Often appearing in my dreams,” Ji Sung shared his experience playing twins in Adamas. tvN’s new Wednesday-Thursday mystery and thriller drama Adamas depicts the journey of the twins who teamed up to find the real culprit to clear the image of their biological father who was framed to be the...
tvN’s Adamas unveils a second teaser poster featuring Ji Sung’s dual role, Seo Ji Hye, and Lee Soo Kyung. tvN’s new Wednesday-Thursday thriller and mystery drama Adamas written by Choi Tae Kang and directed by Park Seung Woo rolls out more teasers ahead of the premiere. The second poster containing the intense gazes...
The first stills of Ji Sung in two distinct roles for Adamas released! Adamas is set to be broadcast for the first time on July 27th. In this work, the two characters of Ji Sung strive to extricate their biological father from being framed. The series is about twin brothers, who...