All set to launch, Unicorn continues its parade of promotions. Coupang Play’s upcoming sitcom will be released on August 26 at 8 PM. Unicorn depicts the struggle between McCombs CEO Steve, portrayed by Shin Ha Kyun and his crew as they navigate the world of chaotic K-start up business. Previously,...
Coupang Play’s sitcom Unicorn unveils a lovely and colorful poster featuring Won Jin Ah as its upcoming “employee of the month”. Unicorn is a Coupang Play original sitcom about the captivating story of Steve’s (Shin Ha Kyun) K-startup company, McComb. Directed by Lee Byeong Heon of Dream and Extreme Job, and...
Shin Ha Kyun displays a unique charm on the poster of Coupang Play’s sitcom Unicorn. On July 11, Coupang Play published the poster for the sitcom Unicorn. Unicorn depicts the struggle of a K-startup company led by Shin Ha Kyun (Steve), CEO of McComb, and his crew. The poster released...