Prepare for an electrifying journey into the heart of investigative journalism with Unmasked, a Korean thriller set to premiere exclusively on Disney+ this January 15! Starring a powerhouse cast led by Kim Hyesoo (Signal, Smugglers), the series dives into the high-pressure world of a news team racing against time to...
Starring Kim Hye Soo and Jung Sung Il, this thrilling Korean investigative series is slated to debut on Disney+ in the second half of 2024! When an investigative news team crosses the point of no return, they will be given one last chance to save their careers in Unmasked –...
Disney+ announced today it would continue to build on the early success of its local original content with an exciting expansion of its 2024 Korean slate. This comes after a bumper 2023 that saw Korean originals Big Bet and Moving take home a steady stream of international awards and Moving...