Balancing sizzling romance and intriguing mystery, the drama treats us to an unforgettable watching experience, keeping us on the edge of our seats from start to finish with its addictive narrative. Though the ending might not have lived up to our expectations, there is no denying how well-crafted the rest...
Recently released main posters offer a tantalizing glimpse into the enigmatic world of Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin as lead characters in When The Phone Rings. When The Phone Rings traverses a politically arranged marriage. Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin’s characters live as a “show window”...
The highly anticipated series has confirmed its first broadcast on November 22nd and recently released an intriguing teaser poster. When The Phone Rings traverses a politically arranged marriage. Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin’s characters live as a “show window” couple, presenting a picture-perfect facade to the public while...
Chae Soo Bin is poised to deliver a powerful performance in When The Phone Rings! When The Phone Rings is a secret romance thriller that explores the intriguing story of a show-window couple in their third year of an arranged marriage, whose life takes a dark turn following a threatening...
The first stills of Yoo Yeon Seok, who is poised to take the lead in MBC’s highly anticipated 2024 drama When The Phone Rings, have been released, showcasing his compelling transformation into the youngest presidential spokesperson, Baek Sa-eon. Set to premiere in November, When The Phone Rings is a thrilling...
MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday drama, When The Phone Rings is one of the most anticipated shows of 2024, and the recent script reading has only heightened excitement, offering a sneak peek at the dynamic chemistry between the cast. Slated to premiere in November, this secret romance thriller is based on a popular...