Marking his second Daesang since The Fiery Priest, Kim Nam Gil accepted an award for his winning performance for Through The Darkness at the SBS Drama Awards. It was relatively tough competition in the dramas that aired on SBS in 2022. Notably, romance and revenge-driven stories decorate the roster of...
With the ending of Why Her, Seo Hyun Jin expresses her thoughts on the recently concluded drama. In the SBS Friday-Saturday drama Why Her, Seo Hyun Jin plays the role of Oh Soo-jae, a competent lawyer who dreams of success and climbing up the ladder. Encountering challenges and struggles in...
Extraordinary Attorney Woo took the top spot in the TV hot topic drama category for 4 weeks in a row, beating the best record of Reply 1988. This is according to the results of the announcement of the rankings for the 3rd week of July. Correspondingly, ENA’s Wednesday-Thursday drama Extraordinary...
Even at the hands of the powerful, Why Her assures that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. Money, power, and connections have a lot of influence in controlling the justice system. Greed has its end, and the small legal clinic team in the drama proves that a...
In the recent episode of Why Her, Soo-jae and Director Baek face hearings that threaten their position. Grieving over the death of her daughter, Soo-jae chooses to disappear, but Chan later brings her back. Eager to kick Soo-jae out, a disciplinary hearing to bar Soo-jae is held. Director Baek also...
Nothing more can pain a mother’s heart after witnessing her own daughter’s death. In the latest episode of Why Her, the heroine confronts an unbearable pain. The fathers of the three real culprits are alarmed with the woman they dragged from the club 10 years ago. Confirming that her daughter...
Before his resignation, Director Baek organizes a mock trial similar to Kim Dong-gu’s case in Why Her. Assigned to specific roles in court during the mock trial, Chan finds a deep connection with the presented case. A memorial is held for Na-jung and the legal clinic team aids Chan’s search...
Revisiting the case 10 years ago, Director Baek’s decision baffles Soo-jae and Gong Chan in Why Her. Gong Chan’s past spreads to the legal clinic team, but they remain supportive of him regardless. Digging into the case of Kim Dong-gu from 10 years ago, details involving Director Baek’s daughter are...
Untangling the events that have transpired, the truth finds its way to Oh Soo-jae in Why Her. Labeled as the cleaner and possible roadblock of the three, Oh Soo-jae outsmarts the move to eliminate her through the warrant review. In her most vulnerable moments, Chan comes to comfort and offers...
Oh Soo-jae easily learns about the culprits who broke into her building in the third week of Why Her. Entering a dicey agreement, can she continuously play her cards well? Or will she be trapped when she least expected it? Marcie Line watched Why Her on Viu Episode Recaps: 01...