Seo Hyun Jin vaunts an intriguing presence in the teaser poster for upcoming drama, Why Her! The new Friday-Saturday series of SBS drops an attractive preview of the titular character to be portrayed by Seo Hyun Jin. Why Her tells the story of a passionate and charismatic lawyer, Oh Soo Jae...
Seo Hyun Jin and Hwang In Youp are gearing up for the romance-legal drama Why Her. The latest table-read update heightens anticipation with recent table-read photos. As the premiere of SBS’s new Friday-Saturday drama Why Her approaches, the network updates fans with the cast’s script reading session. Led by Hwang...
Never miss out on any series in the roster of 2022 Korean dramas! Bookmark this feature as KDRAMADIARY will constantly update this throughout the year along with the monthly list. Our team follows a slightly different calendar in consideration of some dramas aired in the month of December that crosses...
In the pipeline of SBS drama projects next year are eagerly awaited series headlined by renowned actors and creators. The network has continuously asserted dominance through its 2021 drama roster. Among the top dramas with double-digit average ratings this year were housed by SBS. That includes The Penthouse seasons 2...
SBS’ upcoming mystery romance drama Why Her, has affirmed the lead cast to be Seo Hyun Jin, Hwang In Youp, and Heo Jun Ho! Set in the legal world, 왜 오수재인가 Why Her (WT) follows the painful yet exciting story of a coldhearted lawyer Oh Soo Jae (Seo Hyun Jin),...