Fans worldwide can follow Vic Chou’s search for the perpetrator in the continuation of the Douban-acclaimed series slated to launch on October 15! Additionally, Danger Zone Chapter II: The Silver Lining reveals Tseng Jing Hua delivering his career’s most vicious and bloodthirsty performance yet. Danger Zone, iQiyi’s first original prison-themed Chinese-language...
Danger Zone piques interest with a sophisticated performance from Vic Chou and brotherly love between Christopher Lee and Berant Zhu! Featuring groundbreaking crime scenes and exploring taboo subjects, the million-dollar action series Danger Zone continues Chinese-language series popularity after The Ferryman: Legends of Nanyang. iQiyi, the leading Asian streaming service,...
Aiming for an imaginative and riveting concept, Danger Zone readies mind-bending plot elements when it starts streaming globally on iQiyi International beginning September 3. iQiyi’s first prison-themed Chinese language series Danger Zone, stars Vic Chou, Sandrine Pinna, Wu Hsing-kuo, Christopher Lee, Berant Zhu, Tseng Chin-hua, and Teresa Daley. The first...