Grateful for the love he received after Squid Game in 2021, actor Park Hae Soo shares his future plans. Taking on the role of Han Ji Hoon in the movie Yaksha: Ruthless Operations, Park Hae Soo portrays the role of a prosecutor who probes corruption in large corporations and gets dispatched...
A formidable and unruly spy leads a black ops unit of NIS to an enthralling mission by all means possible in Yaksha: Ruthless Operations. His lawbreaking nature though gets unexpected variable when an upright prosecutor gets added to his team’s goal. abbyinhallyuland watched Yaksha: Ruthless Operations on Netflix K-Movie Rating:...
Since its worldwide release on April 8, the Netflix movie Yaksha: Ruthless Operations achieved third place in the Netflix global TOP 10 movie (non-English) category. Yashka: Ruthless Operations follows the story of a breathtaking battle among a team of NIS agents, a special inspection prosecutor, and agents of various national...
This summer, unwind with Netflix’s revamped series lineup, which includes more mystery and thrills for PH subscribers! Allow yourself to breathe and enjoy a hot summer break with Netflix. As a prelude to your watchlist, the alluring and mysterious Elite has returned for a new season. Also, prepare for a...
Unveiling teasers for Yaksha: Ruthless Operations, Netflix is set to give an arresting spy action movie on April 8! Yashka: Ruthless Operations follows the story of a breathtaking battle among a team of NIS agents, a special inspection prosecutor, and agents of various national intelligence agencies. It is a spy...