Duel delivers a mind-bending chase thriller with unwavering excitement and grit! Duel navigated a heightened quest of heroes who blindly trusted each other to achieve their personal goals of saving a loved one and remembering lost memories. Main Leads: Yang Se Jong | Jung Jae Young | Kim Jung Eun...
In his newest profile photos, Yang Se Jong just made all his fans miss him even more. After his military service, the actor moves to his new home, Blossom Entertainment, and is preparing for his comeback project. Capturing a bright and clean look, Yang embodies the image of his agency...
Reminding us to appreciate the simple joys that money can’t buy, Still 17 cruises to a brightly sketched story of friendship, family, and love. Taking in Chan’s mantra to not think and feel helped a lot in focusing on the merits of Still 17. The story of a woman, who wakes...