Lim Ji Yeon is set to take on a groundbreaking role in the historical drama The Tale of Lady Ok, marking yet another dramatic transformation in her acting career. This time, she shifts from playing a slave to embodying a noblewoman, Ok Tae-young, in a story filled with intrigue, deception,...
The Tale of Lady Ok will premiere on K-PLUS starting November 30, Saturday at 11 pm. New episodes will air weekly every Saturday and Sunday at 11 pm (GMT+8) right after Korea’s airing. The Tale of Lady Ok follows the intertwined lives of four enigmatic characters: Lim Ji Yeon, Choo...
JTBC’s upcoming weekend drama, The Tale of Lady Ok is set to captivate audiences with a riveting story of love, loss, and survival. The series, premiering on November 30th, follows the intertwined lives of four enigmatic characters: Lim Ji Yeon, Choo Young Woo, Kim Jae Won, and Yeonwoo. The storyline...
Kim Jae won and Yeonwoo appear as charming lovers in the Joseon era in JTBC’s new weekend drama The Tale of Lady Ok. Set to premiere on November 30, the drama recently released its first stills, featuring Kim Jae Won as Seong Do-gyeom and Yeonwoo as Cha Mi-ryeong. The Tale...
A canine-assisted featuring respected veteran actor aims to provide quirky drama experience for fans this month in Who Knows Your Secret? Who Knows Your Secret? is a heartwarming 12-episode healing comedy with a mix of crime-solving suspense and witty humor. Featuring a star-studded ensemble cast, including veteran actors Lee Soon...
As allies formed between Ho-woo and Seung-jo, a variable arises when a woman close to both of them shakes up the game of business in which Taeil accounting firm is invested on. An interesting picture of revenge and the outsmarting game is featured in the 3rd week of Numbers. abbyinhallyuland...
Jang Ho-woo finds the answer to why Haebit Construction met its doom in the second week of Numbers. He also enters a strategic alliance with Han Seung-jo. abbyinhallyuland watches Numbers on Viu Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | Numbers Episodes 3 and 4 Highlights Previously, Auditor Kang submitted a “disclaimer...
Modestly introducing the world of accounting in different industry settings, Numbers is an interesting drama to add to your K-Drama plate. Both Kim Myung Soo and Choi Jin Hyuk assume their anchor roles in this appealing story of accountants. abbyinhallyuland watches Numbers on Viu Opening Week Rating: Numbers Opening Week...
Numbers is expected to fascinate viewers with a perfect ensemble of fresh genre concepts, and actors’ passionate performances. Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant;...
Introducing its female lead, Numbers acquaints viewers with the role to be portrayed by Yeonwoo. Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant; Numbers explores the...