Disney+ has announced an all-star cast for its upcoming original series, Tempest. The highly anticipated show will feature a captivating blend of seasoned actors and rising stars, promising a thrilling and immersive viewing experience. Set for release on Disney+ in 2025, the Korean thriller Tempest promises a gripping mix of...
Buckle up, thrill-seekers! This summer, Disney+ serves up a killer Korean action flick – NO WAY OUT: The Roulette! Justice or jackpot? That’s the question facing ordinary citizens when Korea’s most hated criminal, Kim Gukho, walks free after a 13-year stint behind bars. Outraged by his release, a mysterious figure...
The upcoming mystery thriller drama No Way Out: The Roulette, features a star-studded cast including Cho Jin Woong, Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Mu Yeol, Yeom Jung Ah, Sung Yu Bin, Heo Gwang Han, Lee Kwang Soo, and Kim Sung Chul, has confirmed its release date for July 31st. The drama...
Combining period drama and Western genre, Song of the Bandits promises to enthuse viewers with riveting action scenes. Song of the Bandits is an action-adventure series set in the tumultuous period of Japanese colonial rule over Korea about a group of people who, for various reasons, end up in the...
Scheduled to air on September 22, Song of the Bandits promises a riveting historical narrative. Song of the Bandits is an action-adventure series set in the tumultuous period of Japanese colonial rule over Korea about a group of people who, for various reasons, end up in the lawless land of...
Lee Sun Kyun, Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Mu Yeol and Lee Kwang Soo have confirmed their appearances in the mystery thriller drama. Named Payback, the series deals with the confrontation between ‘those who want to kill’ and ‘those who want to survive’ in the middle of a public murder contract....
Four K-Movies on Viu are set to gift spectacular film experiences for Viuers in June. Next month, hope you’re all set for fascinating treats for everyone to indulge. Award-winning and stellar actors banner new flicks that would surely engross. Kingmaker Streaming on Viu from 4 Jun Starring Sol Kyung Gu...
Netflix orchestrates a new period drama in collaboration with writer Han Jeong Hoon and director Hwang Jun Hyeok. Previously, the showrunners worked on dramas Bad Guys City of Evil and Squad 38. Backing up the production are Urban Works (Black Dog, Radio Romance) and Baram Pictures of Kingdom: Ashin of the North...
Itaewon Class sparked a profound realization that having trustworthy companions paves the way for an uplifting journey towards success. Giving a touch of heartwarming lessons to pick up, Itaewon Class clearly presented that one’s value does not dictate who they are or what they aspire to be in life, especially...
Hometown certainly serves up riveting scenes with a nerve-wracking narrative that propels viewers on the edge of their seats! tvN’s Hometown provided a series of inexplicable killings with a peculiar serial killer who uses a mixtape to induce hallucination and hypnosis on his victims. This series undoubtedly handed over a...