The film 7 O’Clock Breakfast Meeting for the Heartbroken has officially kicked off production with a stellar cast that includes Bae Suzy, Lee Jin Wook, Yoo Ji Tae, and Geum Sae Rok. Adapted from the beloved 2012 novel by Baek Yeong-ok, the movie delves into the lives of individuals brought together at a...
Following the footsteps of Vigilante, a few imitators echo the same advocacy in different regions causing more problems for the police. But one wannabe stands out and even follows Ji-yong when he serves justice. abbyinhallyuland watches Vigilanteon Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | Vigilante Episodes 3 and 4 Highlights...
The laws governing crimes committed by humans are not perfect and could lead to a cycle of innocent victims. In Vigilante, Kim Ji-yong (Nam Joo Hyuk) is tired of seeing the legal system fail, and repeat offenders being set free, so he decides to step up and do something about...
All set to bring a unique K-Hero on the small screen, Vigilante launches on Disney+ on November 8. The series is headlined by Nam Joo Hyuk (Start-Up, Twenty Five Twenty One) as the vengeful vigilante Kim Ji-yong; Yoo Ji Tae (Oldboy, Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area) as Jo...
Disney+’s original series Vigilante released character stills of Yoo Ji Tae! When a victim of a brutal crime sees his mother’s attacker get off lightly, he will dedicate his life to making criminals pay in Vigilante. The series is headlined by Nam Joo Hyuk (Start-Up, Twenty Five Twenty One) as...
Based on the wildly popular webtoon of the same name, Vigilante debuts with a two-episode premiere on November 8! When a victim of a brutal crime sees his mother’s attacker get off lightly, he will dedicate his life to making criminals pay in Vigilante. The series is headlined by Nam...
The new Disney+ original series top-billed by Nam Joo Hyuk launches on November 8! When a victim of a brutal crime sees his attacker get off lightly, he will dedicate his life to making criminals pay in Vigilante. The series is headlined by Nam Joo Hyuk (Start-Up, Twenty Five Twenty...
A traumatic experience led to years of obsessing over revenge and delivering justice in Vigilante. When a victim of a brutal crime sees his attacker get off lightly, he will dedicate his life to making criminals pay in Vigilante. Featuring a dark hero, this thrilling new K-Drama is coming exclusively...
Disney+ has confirmed the release of Vigilante, which is gathering expectations with an intense meeting of reliable actors. Vigilante tells the story of Kim Ji-yong, a model police academy student who protects the law during the day, but at night, he lives as a vigilante who directly judges criminals who...
Unveiling how the Korean adaptation came to life, the director, writer and cast ensemble of Money Heist Korea share overviews and insights. Money Heist Korea: Joint Economic Area Part 1 is arriving on Netflix today, June 24. Promising to be the heist like no other, Director Kim Hong-sun and Writer...